Journal of Directed Energy






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NOTE: Do not submit classified documents following the directions on this page. Classified manuscripts should be submitted to the Journal of Directed Energy (Limited Edition).

Additional Considerations for Unclassified Submissions

Keywords were a pre-search engine solution to the problem of manual and computer searches, but we continue to ask for them because they can increase the likelihood that your paper will be found by Web searches. (Because of the password protection afforded papers in the Journal, the paper itself is not searchable by search engines.) Keywords should be chosen to provide aspects of the paper not otherwise available; avoid words already present in the title or abstract, since these parts of the paper will be searchable, as will the keywords. For example, if the paper concerns high power microwaves but the acronym HPM is never used, HPM would be useful as a keyword. If the subject of the paper is a ground-based, high energy laser attacking a drone target, the phrase "air defense" would make an excellent keyword if it is not present in the title or abstract. Keywords should provide additional detail or context to attract searchers to your paper.

Color illustrations or photographs are permissible; however, for unclassified Journal of Directed Energy submissions, please note that a portion of the extra cost associated with color figures must be covered by the author or author's organization. These extra costs do not apply to the online version of the paper, just to the print version.

Unclassified Submission Instructions

Submissions to the Journal of Directed Energy must include the manuscript, a list of potential referees, and the release form.

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically as Microsoft Word documents in.doc format or as a text file. The manuscript must meet the format requirements outlined in the Manuscript Instructions.

Suggested Referees
Provide the names and contact information of three to five suggested reviewers. Although the Journal editor reserves the right to choose other reviewers, the author-supplied list provides a useful starting point.

Release Form
For papers to be considered for the Journal, authors must submit this release form so that the editor may accept the paper for review. The form certifies that appropriate approvals, including a security review for public release, have been obtained. The form also certifies that the paper has not been published, nor is under consideration elsewhere, and all requisite permissions have been obtained. Completed release forms should be scanned and submitted with the rest of the package.

Submit the manuscript, list of suggested referees, and release form to the Journal editor Cristina Crowson at:

Alternatively, the package may be submitted by U.S. mail to:

Directed Energy Professional Society
Attn: Journal of Directed Energy Editorial Offices
7770 Jefferson Street NE, Suite 440
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87109

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Last updated: 18 June 2018