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Abstract: 24-Symp-030


SERENE - Compact, Silent, and Reliable Kilowatt-Class Energy Generator for Directed Energy Applications

Cerebral Energy, in collaboration with Idaho National Laboratory, is developing the Silent Electrical Radioisotope Energy for Nomadic Expeditions (SERENE) generator, a groundbreaking power solution for directed energy systems. SERENE addresses the critical need for reliable, high-efficiency, low-SWAP (size, weight, and power) energy sources that can operate in extreme environments and adapt to evolving mission requirements.

The SERENE generator utilizes a combination of Compton scattering collectors, avalanche layers, and insulators built in redundant series around a medical-grade Cobalt-60 radioisotope core. This innovative design enables the generator to deliver over 1 kilowatt of continuous energy for years in a compact, 50-pound package. The generator operates silently, without moving parts or maintenance, and can function in temperatures as low as -200°C, underwater, and in high-G or zero-G conditions.

Key features of the SERENE generator include:

1. High energy density: 1 kW/s of generated energy per kilogram of active material for Mark 1 version
2. Long-lasting performance: Consistent power output for 5+ years without refueling, with an energy generation profile easily calculated based on the half-life of the radioisotope core
3. Silent operation: No audible noise throughout the generator's lifespan, making it ideal for stealth missions or environments where audible noise from power generation is not conducive to mission effectiveness
4. Extreme environment compatibility: Operates in Arctic, Antarctic, lunar, and space vacuum conditions, as well as years of continuous deep ocean running
5. Enhanced safety: Layered radiation shielding using ultra-dense boron-nitride nanotube mats and puncture-resistant graphene-diamond armor casing, providing the highest puncture and shear resistance of any modern alloyed material by weight

The SERENE generator's power output is easily calculable based on the half-life of the Cobalt-60 core, allowing for predictable performance and timely replacement or core refreshment. The standard configuration uses a high-energy Cobalt-60 core with a half-life of 5.27 years, while alternate radioisotopes with lower energetic profiles and longer half-lives, such as plutonium-238 (87-year half-life), can be used for different mission profiles. The generator's modular design enables scaling to various power output levels and adaptation to specific mission or equipment form factor requirements.

Ongoing research and development efforts focus on optimizing the generator's efficiency and weight through advanced alloys, additive manufacturing, and extended electrodynamic effects research. The Mark 1 version of the SERENE generator is expected to weigh 50 pounds while generating 1 kW of continuous power. Future developments aim to increase the power output to 5-8 kW while maintaining the same 50-pound weight in the Mark 2 or Mark 3 versions. This advancement would enable the development of a 1 kW SERENE generator at an individual carry weight, opening the door to portable directed energy weapon (DEW) systems.

SERENE's potential applications are vast, particularly for the Air Force and Space Force. The generator can be used to power weapons pods attached to aircraft, providing a reliable and compact energy source for airborne DEW systems. In the realm of space applications, SERENE can enable satellites to operate without solar panels, reducing their detectability profiles and enhancing their survivability in contested environments.

Furthermore, SERENE can be paired with extra high-density supercapacitors, such as those being developed by Cerebral Energy in collaboration with NASA under a Space Act Agreement. This configuration would be particularly useful for pulsed power systems, where the energy buildup exceeds the immediate generation capability of the available SERENE system. The combination of SERENE and advanced supercapacitors would enable high-power, short-duration energy bursts required for certain directed energy applications.

This presentation will discuss the SERENE generator's design, key technologies, and performance metrics, as well as its implications for advancing directed energy technologies and enabling reliable power in extreme environments. The development of the SERENE generator represents a significant step towards achieving high-efficiency, low-SWAP energy solutions that can adapt to evolving mission requirements and operate in the most challenging conditions, ultimately enhancing the capabilities of the Department of Defense.


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