Annual Directed Energy Science and Technology Symposium
Application to Exhibit

12-16 May 2025 Colorado Springs, CO

Thank you for your support of DEPS activities. This form should be used to submit an application to exhibit at the 27th Annual Directed Energy Science & Technology Symposium to be held 12-16 May 2025 in Colorado Springs, CO. Exhibit spaces are 8x10 foot and include a 6 foot table, two chairs, and a trash can. Note: electricity is not included with these exhibit spaces. However, electricity and other services will be obtainable from our convention services firm. Contact Cynnamon at for information.

Price per exhibitor space is $2700 for DEPS Sponsors, $3000 for non-sponsors. Two spaces can be purchased for double the price. Note that our Gold and Platinum sponsors enjoy a single complimentary exhibit space as a benefit of their elite sponsorship.

Each exhibit includes two full complimentary virtual registrations to the Symposium: one full registration and one exhibit-only registration. Exhibit staff will register using a separate registration form to be available once registration for the Symposium is opened.

Multiple methods of payment are offered, including using our secure server to pay on-line at this time.

Asterisks note the fields required by DEPS to process your request.

* General Information
Please provide us with your contact information.
Your Name:
Your E-mail Address:
E-mail (confirm):
  To reduce errors, we ask that you enter your email a second time.
Corporate Information
Complete this section as it should appear in our Exhibitor's Guide.
Note: this information must be submitted prior to Monday, 21 April to guarantee its inclusion in the Exhibitor's Guide.
* Company Name:
* Address:
* City:
* State :
* Zip code:
* Phone:
  Contact Name:
* Please enter a short description of your organization.

Note: If you have a company logo you'd like to have included, please email it to
* Exhibit Space Selection
Please indicate your organization's DEPS Sponsorship status.
Note: Please check our current list of sponsors to ensure the correct selection.
   Gold or Platinum Sponsor
   Other DEPS Sponsor
   Not a DEPS Sponsor

Select the exhibit space desired:
    Single Exhibit Space($0 Gold/Platinum sponsors, $2700 other DEPS sponsors, $3000 non-sponsors)
    Double Exhibit Space ($2700 Gold/Platinum sponsors, $5400 other DEPS sponsors, $6000 non-sponsors)
Administrative Contact for Exhibit
If applicable, please enter the administrative contact for your corporate exhibitions.
First & Last Name:
Zip code:

You can include a note for DEPS personnel here if needed.
Click here if you are interested in hosting a catered event at the Symposium

Click here if you are interested in obtaining a hospitality suite at the Symposium
* Payment Information
    Submit credit card payment at this time using our secure server
    Send payment to DEPS
Cancellation Notice
Exhibitors requesting cancellation through 14 April will receive a full refund. Cancellations after 14 April are subject to a $200 cancellation fee. No refunds will be given after 28 April 2025.

Please note that DEPS reserves the right to refuse any exhibit application.

Once you have completed the fields on this form, press the Submit button to process this information. You will be given a chance to review your registration prior to final submission. The Reset button will clear the entire form.


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Last updated: 28 January 2025