Call for Papers
ITEA and DEPS combined two long running events and focused on the joint theme of how Test
and Evaluation can support the emerging DoD trend to focus significant energy on prototyping
and experimentation.
A recent Department of Defense Report to Congress noted the need to
“increasingly leverage prototyping, experimentation and other developmental activities
to retire technical risk." Our Joint Conference leverages that DoD vision and the recent
significant increases in prototyping and experimentation efforts to explore the role of T&E in
"prototyping, experimentation and other developmental activities." This Conference will discuss
the practical implications of T&E support to accelerate delivery of "game changing" technologies
to the Warfighter.
Key plenary speakers, panel discussions, and technical sessions will be part of the program
to identify challenges, solutions, innovations and a future state; all contributing to moving
us closer to creation of an infrastructure and principles, conducive to testing and training
in a more operationally realistic environment.
Come Join Us!
The 2025 DE Test & Evaluation Joint Conference will take place from February 3-6 in Albuquerque,
NM, focusing on "T&E Support to Prototyping and Experimentation." This event will explore the
practical impact of test and evaluation (T&E) in supporting prototyping, experimentation, and
other developmental activities. This Call for Papers invites submissions for Public Release,
Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), SECRET, and SECRET/NOFORN papers and presentations
on the following topics:
- High Energy Laser (HEL) Sensors and Sources
- High Power Microwave (HPM) Sensors and Sources
- Atmospheric Characterization and Effects
- Department of Defense (DoD) and Service Experimentation and Prototyping Campaigns and Test Results
- Measurement and Calibration (METCAL)
- Experimentation Design Using Modeling and Simulation
- Instrumentation and Target Requirements for Breakthrough Technologies
- Targets and Instrumentation for HEL and HPM Testing and Experimentation
- Testing Considerations for AI/ML Integration in Prototype Systems
- T&E’s Role Across the Kill Chain in Experimentation
- T&E Capabilities for Directed Energy Systems
- Operational Security (OPSEC) Implications on Testing and Experimentation
- Bio-effects
- Manufacturing, Metrology and Testing for Transition from Prototype to Fielded Systems
- Special Session - Airborne Laser Track
Note that all persons wishing to present at the DE T&E Joint Conference will be required to
submit an abstract.
(See Submission Instructions section below.) Important dates for presenters are listed in the table below.
Submission Instructions
Important Dates for Presenters |
2 December 2024
- Abstracts due (extended)
- 13 December 2024
- Authors notified of acceptance
- 13 December 2024
- Preliminary agenda published
- 20 January 2025
- *ALL presentations due with release forms*
- 3 - 6 February 2025
- DE Test & Evaluation Joint Conference
- 6 February 2025
- Papers and corresponding release forms due
General information on the submission of abstracts, presentations, papers and release forms is provided here. Specific
information on sending presentations and papers will be provided below soon. Presentations and papers will be considered
for acceptance at an open, public release level, CUI Distribution C/D, as well as Classified Secret.
Note that it is the responsibility of the lead author to obtain all approvals and releases for
submitted abstracts, presentations, and papers. All submitted materials including unclassified presentations
must be appropriately marked for any distribution restrictions.
The abstract deadline has passed. Questions about abstracts may be directed to
one of our Technical Conference Co-Chairs.
Authors will be notified on or before 13 December of acceptance of their paper for presentation and/or publication.
Presentations and Papers
In order to assemble the presentations for the symposium in a timely manner, authors will be
required to submit the sponsoring Program Office-approved versions of unclassified or
classified presentations no later than 20 January. Any
presentation received after this date is subject to not being presented at the discretion
of the technical committee.
Authors are encouraged to submit papers as well as presentations. Submitted papers may, upon author
approval, be forwarded for consideration by editors of the Journal of Directed Energy,
a peer-reviewed publication.
Papers are due on or before 6 February and should be submitted in either Microsoft
Word format, which is preferred, or Adobe Acrobat format (pdf file). Specific format
instructions can be found on the following link: Journal Author
Instructions with the following exceptions: no page limit, single space paragraphs, double space between paragraphs
and integrated figures and tables. Include full information (including address, phone,
fax, and email) for corresponding author. It is the authors' responsibility to ensure that
the paper has not been published, nor under consideration, elsewhere
Note that all submitted materials, including unclassified presentations, must be appropriately
marked for security classification as well as identification of any distribution restrictions.
See Security Markings below.
Unclassified, public release (Distribution A) presentations and papers that are less than 5MB in size are to be sent electronically to Devona Valdez
Unclassified, controlled (CUI/Distributions C or D) presentations and papers, or files which contain embedded videos or are more than 5MB in size should
only be sent via DoD Safe. Government and CAC authenticated users can go directly to and
drop off files for Devona at Non-CAC users must request a code to use the drop off site. Please email Devona at to request a code be sent to you. Using DoD Safe is preferable, however, if you need to
send a CD, please mail it to:
DEPS Submissions
7770 Jefferson St. NE, Suite 440
Albuquerque, NM 87109
Please contact Devona Valdez at with questions regarding Unclassified Distribution A or CUI Submissions.
Classified papers and presentations should be sent electronically via appropriate methods on SIPR.
Authors with accepted abstracts have been emailed detailed instructions how and where to send their files.
Please contact Amanda White, DEPS FSO at (505) 998-4910 or with questions regarding Classified Submissions.
**All presentations, whether unclassified or classified, must be
received by 20 January 2025, and papers by 6 February 2025.
Release Forms
Release forms are required for all papers and presentations submitted to
the 2025 DE Test & Evaluation Joint Conference.
Release forms are due at the same time as the corresponding
presentation/paper, with presentations/releases due no later than 20 January and papers/releases
no later than 6 February. Sessions/presentations in the technical program are sequenced according
to distribution level, thus it is critically important the accurate
distribution level is recorded prior to the completion of the final agenda.
These PDF forms can be completed electronically and emailed to
It is the responsibility of the lead author to obtain all
approvals and releases for submitted presentations and papers.
The DEPS release form process has been updated. Please choose the appropriate form
based on who funded the work you are presenting and read the form carefully.
Note that poster papers are considered presentations and the presentation release
form should be used in those cases.
Release forms, as well as questions, should be submitted to
Security Markings
Classified materials must be marked In Accordance with DoD 5200.1-R, Sections 5.2,
5.3 and 5.4, and Executive Orders 12958 and 13526 "Classified National Security
Information." All classified presentations must include the classified by or derived from information, as
well as the "declassify on" date.
Distribution statements of technical documents must be identified in accordance with
DoD Directive 5230.24, dated 23 AUG 2012, Enclosure 4 (page 14). Papers and presentations with
distribution statements A, C, and D are encouraged to facilitate publication of the
technical data in the proceedings. Materials having distribution statements B, E, or F
can not be presented at the conference or published in its proceedings.
Last updated: 7 January 2025